New Overseas ChinaAid Training Center Launched in Abuja, Nigeria
Date:2017-07-13  Author :

Sponsored by Ministry of Commerce, SFTC kicked off the 2017 Nigerian Agricultural Technique Training Course, a ChinaAid Program for Nigeria, at Abuja in the morning of July 10, 2017 local time. At the time, SFTC unveiled its third Overseas Training Center (OTC) at the Nigerian headquarter of the CGCOC Group.

This training course is to be done in Abuja High-tech Industrial Park, aiming to provide agricultural techniques training for 20 Nigerian officers and technicians and it will last for 45 days. The establishment of the Abuja OTC in Nigeria is the 3rd of its kind after those in Sudan and Ethiopia. The OTC will cultivate more talents on foreign trade, logistics management, E-commerce and etc. for Nigeria in the coming years. The launch of the 3rd OTC indicates SFTC’s endeavor to serve China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative and ChinaAid Programs.

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